Friday, October 17, 2014


"How to wear" ideas:
⋄ Bracelets
⋄ Anklets
⋄ Vertical tattoo on back
⋄ Body chain
➳ How long do they last?
It will last 4-6 days depending on how well you take care of them and where they are placed. To prolong your tat avoid any soap, lotions, sunscreens or oils near or on your tattoo. They will begin to degrade the adhesive.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

NewYork Fashion Week 2014

NewYork Fashion Week 2014
Add a little edge to any outfit with gold-tone necklaes.


Fall/Winter 2014-2015: Jewelry Bracelet Trends

Fall/Winter 2014-2015: Jewelry Necklace Trends!crystal-collars-at-givenchy


About 4000 years ago Ancient Egyptians made a form of reconstituted turquoise. It differed from todays product as they didn't actually use turquoise. 
They used crushed quartz which was then dyed, glazed and heated - the presence of copper in the glaze would give a blue-green colour and the result is known as Egyptian Faience. 
Today, as Turquoise is a fairly soft stone, it is easy to grind it to a powder, add resins and dye and form into blocks.  These blocks are then made into beads.
Supposed to be a stone of communication, making one more eloquent, loving, creative and honest. Also considered a stone of friendship.

Druzy Necklaces

Shop Druzy Necklaces