Friday, August 22, 2014


The DIY mask that gives you shiny Kardashian hair :

How to Get Shiny Kardashian Hair From an Avocado

This summer,every Friday for fun and easy do-it-yourself hacks.
Say what you will about the Kardashians, but if you try and argue that their hairdoesn't shine like spun silk, then you're flat-out lying. Kardashian-level glossiness is nothing to be sneezed at, and we promise, it doesn't take an entourage of top-of-the-line hair stylists to achieve the sheen. In fact, we just picked up an avocado at the bodega, fished out a can of coconut milk from the depths of our kitchen cabinet, and we always have maple syrup on hand, because pancakes.
So is this a hair mask or guacamole? Ah, but these foods double as wonderful nourishment for your locks. The omegas in both avocado and coconut milk moisturize and repair summer-damaged hair, adding shine in the process. Maple syrup (or honey) also conditions and adds shine. And while it's optional, we gave our formula a superfood boost with lemon oil, which is particularly helpful in combatting both thirsty locks and a dry scalp (since our sun-drenched strands have been looking rather straw-like lately).
And whadya know? The combo actually smells quite nice.

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